Climate Chats

Climate Chats

Climate Chats Episode 006 - Franziska Wolf & Melanie Pill

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Ms Melanie Pill (B.A.Econ (Hons), MEnv Mgt) is a PhD scholar at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University and was awarded the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. She started her doctorate in March 2018 under the supervision of Professor James Pittock, Professor Mark Howden and Dr Koko Warner.

Melanie subsequently received the ANU Climate Change Institute’s supplementary scholarship in August 2018 for her interdisciplinary research focus and significance of loss and damage in the international discourse.

Her research topic explores on financing loss and damage from climate change in small island developing states with the aim to develop a financing management framework that incorporates all aspects related to loss and damage. These include sudden and slow onset events such as sea level rise, economic and non-economic losses experienced on a personal level as well as implications for displaced people due to climate change related weather events.

For her project, she attends meetings of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change such as the Conference of the Parties or meetings of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage and talks to a range of different international stakeholders from governments, multilateral organisations and NGOs and attends. Melanie also undertakes fieldwork for her study in small island developing states with the aim to develop an international financial solution for loss and damage that is still applicable in a country-context.

Bildbeschreibung © Melanie Pill

Franziska Wolf (B.A., BSc., MIBA) works for the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainability and Climate Change Management” (acronym: FTZ-NK) that is linked to the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany.

As climate change researcher, I try to make a contribution to tackling one of the biggest challenges of our time and promoting more sustainable ways of living, and I feel privileged to be able to do so in my day to day work: I am coordinating a set of international projects on themes relating to climate change and sustainable development, on sustainable agriculture in small islands, climate change technologies in Latin America, sustainable energy in small islands and presently, for example, on sustainable mobility in the Baltic Sea Region, on Bioplastics. Besides, I am coordinating the FZU-NK initiative “Digital Learning for Sustainable Development (DL4SD)”, designing digital learning solutions of all kinds, from virtual conferences to online courses and modules with an international, interdisciplinary team.

Bildbeschreibung © HAW Hamburg, Franziska Wolf


Melanie Pill, Fenner School of Environment and Society

Linnéa Nordlander, Melanie Pill & Beatriz Martinez Romera (2019) Insurance schemes for loss and damage: fools’ gold?, Climate Policy, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1671163

Franziska Wolf, HAW Hamburg, Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management”

Melanie Pill (@Mel_Pill)

Paper: Non-Economic Loss and Damage in the Context of Planned Relocation: Gaps and Areas for Further Research (PDF)

Fiji:Planned Relocation Guidelines (PDF)

Pill, Melanie. “Planned Relocation from the Impacts of Climate Change in Small Island Developing States: The Intersection Between Adaptation and Loss and Damage.” Managing Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region, edited by Walter Leal Filho, Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 129–49. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40552-6_7; (€)

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About this podcast

In the Climate Chats Podcast, we speak about sustainable development and climate change, including climate management and health. We invite researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners from all around the world to share their expertise and practice in short conversations. Climate Chats is a podcast series by the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management" at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, hosted on Podigee. Feedback is very welcome: email us at or find us on twitter @FTZ_NK_Hamburg.

by HAW Hamburg, FTZ-NK


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