Climate Chats

Climate Chats

Climate Chats Episode 005 - Dr. Kathleen A. Mar

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Christian Friedrich in conversation with Dr. Kathleen Mar. Kathleen Mar leads the research group "Climate Action in National and International Processes (ClimAct)” at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Germany. ClimAct focuses on participation in and understanding of political forums that aim to drive climate action, with a particular emphasis on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). Kathleen holds a Ph.D. in atmospheric chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley and worked at the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) prior to joining the IASS. This perspective - combining scientific expertise with practical experience in the world of policy and administration - shapes her approach to both research and policy-oriented work.

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Bildbeschreibung Photo Copyright: IASS/Ostermann


Dr. Kathleen A. Mar

Kathleen Mar (@KathleenAMar)

Atmospheric chemistry

United States Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA

Clean Air Act (United States)

Climate & Clean Air Coalition

WHO Fact Sheet: Climate change and health

Outrage vs. Empathy – a Culture Clash in Climate Communication?

All IASS Blog Posts by Kathleen Mar

German Climate Consortium

The Paris Agreement


#Unter1000 on Twitter

Climate Communication Conference “K3”, including videos of the keynote speakers (the first is in English)


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About this podcast

In the Climate Chats Podcast, we speak about sustainable development and climate change, including climate management and health. We invite researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners from all around the world to share their expertise and practice in short conversations. Climate Chats is a podcast series by the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management" at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, hosted on Podigee. Feedback is very welcome: email us at or find us on twitter @FTZ_NK_Hamburg.

by HAW Hamburg, FTZ-NK


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