Climate Chats

Climate Chats

Climate Chats Episode 002 - Walter Leal

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Prof. Walter Leal is the Director of the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management", which is both organiser of the online conference Climate 2020 as well as the publisher of this podcast. He has been working in environmental and sustainable development since 1987 and he also initiated the International Climate Change Information Programme.

Prof. Walter Leal

Sustainable Development Goal #13: Climate Action

The Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management" on Twitter

Project: "Climate Change Communication Across Audiences" (2018-2023)

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About this podcast

In the Climate Chats Podcast, we speak about sustainable development and climate change, including climate management and health. We invite researchers, policy-makers, activists and practitioners from all around the world to share their expertise and practice in short conversations. Climate Chats is a podcast series by the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainability and Climate Change Management" at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, hosted on Podigee. Feedback is very welcome: email us at or find us on twitter @FTZ_NK_Hamburg.

by HAW Hamburg, FTZ-NK


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